Fundraising Night for The Brain Tumour Charity
We raised £530 and that has been confirmed as received by The Brain Tumour Charity. THANK YOU Everyone who contributed. Special thanks Tom who donated his evenings wages for the cause.
We raised £530 and that has been confirmed as received by The Brain Tumour Charity. THANK YOU Everyone who contributed. Special thanks Tom who donated his evenings wages for the cause.
Over £2,400 was raised by a wonderful group of party goers who dressed amazingly! What crazy costumes… Thank you for sharing with us, we are so glad you enjoyed the evening, and raised a good amount too.
Presented by Performers College. 20 Performances. Doors open 7pm. Singers entertaining from 8pm
Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam at dui nulla. Aenean semper sed nunc id sollicitudin. Nam sit amet lacus facilisis, feugiat dolor vitae, commodo arcu. Proin ac lorem a dolor vestibulum suscipit. Pellentesque elementum elementum mi, sed congue ex porta nec.
Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam at dui nulla. Aenean semper sed nunc id sollicitudin. Nam sit amet lacus facilisis, feugiat dolor vitae, commodo arcu. Proin ac lorem a dolor vestibulum suscipit. Pellentesque elementum elementum mi, sed congue ex porta nec.